We recognize potential in personalities. We thus provide a scientific outlook for personnel selection and development
Every customer is an individual organism. There are no standardized solutions. We analyze with personal experience, highly scientific instruments and individually selected experts. We identify levers and develop suitable measures. Furthermore, we accompany the implementation from coaching to success control. The principle is equally valid for individuals, teams or hierarchical levels up to complex employee structures in large corporations.

Identifying and selecting the right personalities for your company in a targeted and competent manner — that’s what we’re here to help you with. Our experts utilize the Hogan Personality Assessment tools to scientifically and objectively evaluate the potential and fit of your candidates at all hierarchical levels. Make personnel decisions with the utmost efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring the long-term success of your company.

Identifying the individual development needs of your employees and translating them into concrete measures: Whether it’s recent graduates, high potentials, or emerging leaders, we rely on scientific methods such as Hogan Personality Assessments and 360-degree surveys to unlock the full potential of your employees. Always taking into account your specific organizational requirements as well as the personal goals and aspirations of your employees. Develop your staff in a targeted manner and be successful together.

Optimal team composition as a success factor in talent management: At Personality Guidance, we offer diagnostic tools and customized team workshops to analyze the roles of each team member and provide specific insights into team similarities, differences, and shared values. Enhance your team dynamics and achieve increased satisfaction and productivity through targeted improvements.

Highlight leadership competencies of your managers and define individual development measures: At Personality Guidance, we make development potential visible and actionable through the use of Hogan Personality Assessments and 360-degree surveys. Our experts analyze not only traditional leadership skills but also the potential of your leaders in agile environments. Through individual coaching sessions and our holistic approach, you can unlock the full potential of your decision-makers. For satisfied employees and the sustainable success of your company.
Selection and development of employees in all hierarchies is our central task.
We recognize potentials and bring them together.
There is the right place in the company for every personality. It doesn’t matter whether applicants or high potentials are being sought, whether specialists and executives are to be promoted in a targeted manner, or whether teams are to be put together in the best possible way. We accompany companies in all these processes and provide them with individual and customized advice.
How do we do this? With a combination of experience-based, qualitative analyses and objective, quantitative methods. These are employed by a team of graduate and business psychologists with years of cross-industry experience. This means for our clients: We understand their needs, identify strategies, and thus provide the basis for optimal personnel decisions. From pre-selection to final selection.
In order to remain competitive in the long term, an organization must adapt to the constantly changing framework and market conditions. Change can be actively controlled or triggered by external factors. Ideally, a company should address the changing framework conditions at an early stage and actively shape them. Either way, it is essential to question your own processes and the way you work together. Digitalization in particular has significantly accelerated the speed of developments. In order to respond to this, project teams need to find each other more quickly than they did a few years ago. The interdisciplinary and cross-departmental exchange of specialists and innovative minds is coming more into focus. However, this way of working is not yet widespread in most companies. That’s why we actively support our clients in preparing their teams and executives for change. In interactive workshops, we teach the competencies and behaviors that are important in leadership and teamwork.
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