Targeted and scientifically based support for successful and sustainable personnel selection
Personality Guidance provides you with targeted and professional support in identifying and selecting the ideal employees for your company and the positions you need to fill — from university graduates to top executives. Taking into account your specific requirements and with the help of the Hogan personality method, our experts analyze the potential of your applicants on a scientific basis and look at natural strengths, potential hurdles and individual areas of development. We provide you with a well-founded and objective assessment of the fit of your candidates to the respective position and the lived values of your organization — so that you can make your personnel decisions with success and maximum efficiency.
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It is the personalities in your company that are all crucial for the economic course. Decide with more than just your gut feeling.
The reasons for a personnel selection can be different. It can be an external personnel selection, an internal restructuring, a promotion, or a transfer. The decisive factor in personnel selection is that it is not only about finding the best candidates, but also the most suitable ones. In other words, those people who best fit the advertised position, the task, the team and the corporate culture. The shortage of skilled workers in particular, but also the change of generations, present companies with enormous challenges when it comes to selecting the right personality for a particular position.
In order to avoid costly wrong decisions and wrong appointments, we accompany you throughout the entire selection process. Starting with the creation of customized requirement profiles or the preparation of custom-fit job profiles, through to the implementation of assessments or management audits, we accompany you in your successful personnel selection. In doing so, we rely on the Hogan personality method, which analyzes the three dimensions of personality and provides you with concrete recommendations for action. The big advantage: the assessments can be carried out conveniently online.
Es sind die Persönlichkeiten in Ihrem Unternehmen, die alles entscheidend für den wirtschaftlichen Verlauf sind.
Entscheiden Sie mit mehr als nur dem Bauchgefühl.
Digitization is changing the world of work: we are currently experiencing rapid developments in genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and 3D printers, to name just a few examples. At an increasing pace, human tasks are being replaced by digital technologies. Many jobs with high automation potential will disappear, others will change fundamentally. And jobs will be created in the next ten to twenty years that we know nothing about today.
Strategic human resources planning is thus moving even more into focus, and this is precisely where we bring added value. By identifying potentials and analyzing risks and values of an employee or executive, we can accurately determine which profile best fits these new jobs. In this way, we help companies to shape their internal succession planning in a future-oriented manner. Internal and external retraining measures can then be tailored precisely to the potential of the employees. Because we already know that the number of new jobs to be filled exceeds the talent pool available on the labor market.
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Do you have questions about our consulting services or other concerns? We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible.