Congratulations on your Hogan Certification!
Thank you very much for your participation in our Hogan Online Certification Workshop. We hope that it has met your expectations and that you will soon have the opportunity to actively use Hogan.
Hogan Post-Test & Certificate
Please don’t forget to complete your Hogan Assessment Certification Post-Test. This takes approx. 80 minutes. As soon as you have completed the post-test, your Hogan certificate will be automatically activated for download. Please navigate to “Transcript” and choose “Download” to get your certificate.
Use the following link to get your digital Hogan badge:
Hogan Refresher
To help you keep practicing, we invite you to our free Hogan Refresher online seminars. Together with our trainer Florian Franzen you will have the opportunity to interpret different profiles with other Hogan users. For upcoming dates and registration click here.
Further Documents & Information
All Hogan Technical Manuals (HPI, HDS, MVPI) and the document about the Global Norm can be found here. In addition, we provide the most important documents and additional Hogan material for download: